TASAWAR CURATORIAL STUDIOS [3] is a regional project, hosted by the GOETHE-INSTITUT Tunis. It is open to a variety of co-operations with GOETHE-INSTITUT from the SWANA (South-Wast Asia & North-Africa) region.

1 _ Being friends

Can you can share the open call for the program through your networks and channels?
HELPFUL! We will keep you updated about the ongoing program and its outcomes.

2 _ Being partners

Can you share the open call, and recommend culture activits or professionals?
GREAT! We will keep you update about the program and invite you to join the interviews.

3 _ Being supporters

In addition to [Being partners], can you provide us with local contacts and experts?
TOP! We will keep you update about the program and will invite you to join the studios.

4 _ Being funders

In addition to [Being supporters], can you organize activities onsite whether it could be an artist’s studio visit or an exhibition project? And do you have a budget to fund the local activities?
SUPER! We will integrate that in the overall program and discuss with you the best way we can support that.

5 _ Being publisher

In addition to [Being supporters], can you support the preparation, editing, printing and publishing of the TASAWAR Annual Publication? And do you have a budget to support the publication?
MARVELOUS! We will integrate that in the overall program and discuss with you the best way we can support that.