21 January 2021 | 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
LOCAL ART SCENE Amman: an artistic bird’s eye view
Curated by Paola Farran and Sophia Schall

An overlook of the Amman art scene, and a description of the journey of an artist or art practitioner from school to practice, discussing all the particularities of this context. In addition, a look at the street art scene, which has its own unique codes in Amman.


2:00 – 2:20 An introduction of the mapping of the Amman art institutions
2:20 – 2:40 Raed Ibrahim – the journey of an artist in Amman from school to practice
2:40 – 3:00 Jude Al Tamimi – the perspective of a young art practitioner working within one of the institutions
3:00 – 3:20 Muath Isaeid – a look at the realities of the Amman street art scene
3:20 – 4:00 Q&A time

Raed Ibrahim
artist and art/cultural instructor

specialized in the arts in the public spheres and cultural interventions
interested in developing art historical ontology as well as discussing and enhancing the local and regional environment of art education, art production, and cultural policies.
involved in regional and international culture programs of learning, discussion and exchange.
initiated and involved with (About culture in Jordan), an initiative in Amman that works to develop cultural policies, raze awareness and connect cultural players in Jordan.
mentor at The Spring Sessions (2014 & 2017), a learning experience and arts residency program in Amman
art lecturer at the Jordan University
facilitator and part of the administration for the Jordanian National Group for Cultural Policies


Joud Al Tamimi
artist and curator

2015 | SOAS.uk | bachelor in Politics and Economics
2016 | SOAS.uk | master’s in Middle Eastern Studies

2019 – 2021 | Amman.jo | curator at Darat Al Funun

explores in her work value systems, insurgent economies and anti-colonial futurities.

Joud Al Tamimi online

Muath Isied
cultural manager, producer and urban arts curator

comes from a culture management background
produces projects with numerous international artists
creates various cross-cultural projects between Europe and the Middle east
curates and directs the “Baladk” mural and street arts festival in Amman since 2014
works with Al Balad Theater

instagram.com: baladk